271 research outputs found

    Describing of Ethnopedagogical Leadership Contribution to Towani Tolotang Community Based on Local Wisdom Values in Elementary Schools

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    The research objective is to know the dialectic of ethnopedagogical leadership on the trust of the Towani Tolotang community. The research method uses descriptive research. The data were collected using a questionnaire from a variable in the form of a discourse on the local wisdom of the Towani Tolotang community which is manifested in the concept of "Perrinyameng". There is a correlation between humans and God which contains the value of obedience to the Gods of Seuwae as well as respect for Wa 'as a traditional leader. The meaning of Perrinyameng is a willingness to learn and work hard, high respect for fellow human beings, and high social sensitivity towards the fate of fellow humans. The main driving pillars of the Towani Tolotang community are in the form of preservation and development of local wisdom culture as well as disseminating government policies and programs. The results showed that Wa 'leadership as social control in government, role models, motivators, traditional leaders, preserving Bugis culture, especially the Towani Amparita community, disseminating good governance policies and programs as well as the main driving pillar for the preservation and development of local wisdom culture in government in the Kelurahan Amparita, Tellu LimpoE District, Sidenreng Regenc

    Baking Freecumipo (Freedom, Culture, Ministry, Policy): E-Learning through Games of Al-Islam and Kemuhamamdiyahan

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    The aim of this article is baking freecumipo (freedom, culture, ministry, policy):  E-Learning through games of Al-Islam and Kemuhamamdiyahan. The method of the research is qualitative method. This research captured children's, development in AlK Education in measuring cultural freedom integrated with government policies, cognitive being the prima donna in the era of independent campuses by having skills in industry as material mind set in the millennial era, so that the affective and personality aspects of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan are not maximized, the content of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah material often occurs remedial due to lack of syncorization between Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan institutions

    Evaluating of Islamic Education: Literature Review

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    The evaluation of Islamic education is included in this paper. The goal of the study was to link Islamic education (990 papers) and non-formal education (95 papers) from 1958 to 2022. The retrieved bibliographic citation information is examined using the VOSviewer tool. Authors, journals, keywords, and citation references with the highest productivity are evaluated. Calculations have been made to determine the proportional growth rate and the time needed to double. between 1958 and 2022. The study's findings revealed what needs to be done in order for evaluating of Islamic education to adapt to education 4.0 in order to reach society 5.0. Through bibliometric analysis, the research's uniqueness revealed the addition of new literature about nonformal education and Islamic education, and there was variation

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Modul Projek Profil Pelajar Pancasila pada Sekolah Penggerak Jenjang SD

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    Pembelajaran pada sekolah penggerak mengharuskan adanya kegiatan projek dimana projek tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan penguatan karakter bagi pelajar dengan profil pelajar pancasila. Projek tersebut harus didesain sekreatif mungkin agar memberikan pengalaman yang sangat baik bagi para siswa sehingga perlunya penguatan penyusunan modul projek profil pelajar pancasila. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Persiapan dilakukan dengan menyediakan bahan sebagai acuan dan pedoman dalam pengembangan modul projek profil pelajar pancasila. Selain itu juga mendokumentasikan perijinan dan penyesuaian jadwal pelaksanaan pengabdian. Pada tahap kedua dilakukan pengabdian dengan memberikan instrumen pengukuruan level sekolah kemudian penyampaian materi dan saling praktik mengkritisi modul projek yang telah ada. Pada tahap evaluasi dilakukan dengan melakukan refleksi kepada seluruh peserta terhadap kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa guru SD dapat mengembangkan modul projek profil pelajar pancasila serta dapat melakukan evaluasi sesuai dengan acuan pedoman pelaksanaan penguatan projek profil pelajar Pancasil


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    Learning of Al- Islam and Kemuhammadiyah in nonformal education takes place in STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang.  The Quran encourages learning as in Surah 20 that says “Lord! Let my knowledge increase” and in the words of Rasullullah (pbuh) “Seek knowledge as far as China”. All these signify that learning, as a process of development and  transformation, takes place with no realm of boundary to impede. The procedures include a survey questionnaire and interview to gather related data of the student’s  first semester at STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang. The analysis hopes to provide learning management input in Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan that promotes structured and relevant findings for future enhancement, understanding and awareness of adult learning in a local situation resulting from the perception, learning and perhaps changes that may result from the learning process.&nbsp

    Configuring the Politics of the Development of the Religious Courts

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    The Message (Arabic: الرسالة, Ar-Risālah; also known as Mohammad, Messenger of God) is a 1976 epic historical drama film directed by Moustapha Akkad. This film tells the life and journey of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Released in Arabic (1976) and English (1977), The Message is useful as an introduction to the early history of Islam, from various disciplines that discuss issues of public interest, go beyond documentation and analysis, and take the quality of human life in religion and society as a criterion for their recommendations. The approach chosen in this article is to focus on one particular aspect, namely the focus on the political configuration of Islam in Indonesia. Religion is one field that produces relations with holy or divine reality. While religion cannot survive without a form of power, the form given to political play in power establishes a sign of religious identity. Today, critical studies of religious differences have gained the urgency of politics which is very powerful in influencing civilization. Religion can act as a cause, but also as a problem solver. To form multidisciplinary thinking it is necessary to study religious differences in the actual corridors

    E-Learning Process in Elementry School: Bibliometrics Approach

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    In the transition to entirely online learning for Covid-19, the learning management system (LMS) plays a critical role in higher educational institutions around the world. The Nvivo plus 12 system and the Vosviewer program were utilized in the qualitative research. The goal of this research paper is to look into the e-learning process among students who are familiar with the internet. The development of an online education model (Zoom, WA, LMS), platform, and comprehensive online e-Learning would have a big impact. Full e-learning is a term used to describe fully online learning that occurs between traditional campus education and online learning (e-learning) that occurs outside of the campus facing covid-19. The use of a virtual learning management system (LMS) allowed for the promotion of online learning (e-learning). The new research on virtual Learning management systems has the potential to transform essential components of classrooms by utilizing forms that can have a substantial impact on teaching and learning. According to the findings, technology affects librarians' perspectives of their jobs, students' needs, and faculties that might help them develop. In order to produce a selection and motivate pupils to think about it, full e-learning must collaborate with them. Despite the fact that comprehensive e-learning is becoming a viable strategy for various institutions in the country, some universities, particularly in developing countries, are opposing the transition

    Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Sekolah Dasar di Kawasan Ajatappareng

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    Studi ini mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pelajaran PAI melalui peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam.. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan yang berusaha mengkaji dan merefleksikan secara mendalam beberapa aspek dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Fokus penelitian ini yakni peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pelajaran PAI tentang sumber daya manusia dan karakter budaya Islami dengan menerapkan kualitas pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh peserta didik Sekolah Dasar Kawasan Ajatapaten. Instrument yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Data yang diolah dengan analisis persentase dan disajikan dalam bentuk deskripsi dan presentasi. Adapun rencana penerapannya diawali dengan mengajukan pertanyaan, berpikir bersama dan menjawab; 2) Implementasi Kebijakan full day school dalam peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam tentang peningkatan hasil belajar dan peningkatan di Sekolah Dasar Kawasan Ajatapateng untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik.  Sasaran dan tujuan pendidikan yang diselenggarakan di sekolah merupakan jalur formal dan jalur informal. Sasaran utama pendidikan dapat tercapai dengan baik, perlu diawali pada konsep secara integrasi melalui pendekatan Islam pada peserta didik sekolah dasar

    The main foundation for educators in carrying out the learning process

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    The principles of learning are the main foundation for educators in carrying out the learning process. With these principles in place, the learning process in the classroom, both educators and students, will forgive all elements of learning. The principles of learning in general are attention and motivation, activeness, direct involvement, repetition, challenges and individual differences. Attention and motivation is Motivation is the energy that moves and directs one's activities. Motivation has a close relationship with interest. Students who have an interest in a particular field of study tend to be attracted to it and thus the motivation to study it arises. With motivation, it will provide a stimulus to students for motivation in participating in learning. Activeness is the seriousness of students in discussing the subject matter that has been discussed. Direct involvement is an active student effort in the learning process. Repetition is giving students the opportunity to review material again so that students understand the material that has been presented. The challenge is to provide a variety of materials that are difficult for students to solve. Individual differences are differences between students from each othe

    Early Childhood Education with an Islamic Religious Education Approach in the Era of Community Challenges 5.0: Bibliometrics of Analysis of the term “Islamic Education and Early Childhood Education”

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    This study discusses the Industrial Revolution 4.0. in increasing the use of data and technology for the convenience of human life with an Islamic religious education approach for early childhood at PGRI Standard Corawali, South Sulawesi. The qualitative research method used is through bibliometric analysis which is interpreted as epistemological and religious education towards the era of society 5.0. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the application of inhibiting factors in implementing early childhood education were internal (internal) factors, in the form of awareness and understanding of each individual to carry out religious teachings, and external (external) factors, in the form of guidance and attention from parents. , association in the community around them, and education obtained from school. As for the effort to overcome the obstacle, namely implementing Islamic Religious Education in Early Childhood by providing exemplary and attention and affection for children, so that they can follow those ordered by parents and teachers